Below are answers to some common questions about the Joggr platform & documentation.
Can I create draft JoggrDocs?
Yes, you can create create draft documents. You have two options:
- Local Cache
- Draft Pull Requests
We recommend you use Draft Pull Requests, so if your local cache is emptied you do not lose your work.
Local Cache
Before you save to GitHub, all changes are saved to your local cache. Joggr empties the local cache as soon as you save to GitHub.
For example, let’s say you started a document, never saved to GitHub, then navigated away from Joggr. If you were to start a document, you will see that your original content from your first session is loaded.
Draft Pull Request
To create a Draft Pull Request, click the input box titled Create as a draft when you save. When selected, Joggr creates a Draft Pull Request in GitHub.
Watch the video below to learn about both options.
How do I add more repositories?
You may want to add more repositories to your workspace so that you can document code from these repositories.
In the top right corner, click on the Settings Icon, then click Integrations. On the GitHub panel, click Configure. This will redirect you to your GitHub settings to add more repositories.
If you do not have access to add more repositories, reach out to your GitHub administrator.
How do I know where my document is stored in GitHub?
In the top left corner of your JoggrDoc you should see a GitHub icon. This shows you where the JoggrDoc is stored in GitHub.
How do I see an audit history of changes to a JoggrDoc?
Joggr is built on top of Git and GitHub. Every JoggrDoc created is committed to GitHub as a markdown file. Therefore, you can manage the audit history just like you do with your codebase 😀.
Can I update the markdown file in my IDE?
You can change the markdown file in your IDE, GitHub, or Joggr.
If you are making edits to the document in your IDE or GitHub, do not alter the header, footer, or any code snippets that were added to the document using Joggr's Code Explorer. You should see the additions Joggr makes to the header and footer, this is how Joggr tracks the document. If you change any of those pieces of the document, it will break Joggr's connection to this document and Joggr will be unable to maintain the document for you automatically.
How do I invite more team members?
To invite more team members, send them a link to Joggr (app.joggr.io) or click on the arrow icon, enter their email address, and click Send Invite. This will send them an invite link to their email. Watch the short video below to learn more.
Have a question that isn't on the list? Reach out in slack or send us a note at support@joggr.io.