Code Links

Code Links

Code Links allow you to link JoggrDocs to files in your codebase. If any changes are made to that file, when the pull request is opened to propose those changes, Joggr sends a Pull Request notification indicating that the linked JoggrDoc is out of date. View our docs on adding code links to learn how to add a code link to your JoggrDoc.

An overview of a code link in a JoggrDoc

Use Cases

Below are several examples of where you could use Code Links.

Do you have additional use cases? Please share them with us in Slack or send us a note at We love to hear about new use cases and/or how we could support additional use cases.

Images or Videos

You may want to add an image or video to a document instead of directly referencing code.

For example, at Joggr we wrote custom code to help manage our GitHub labels, ensuring that all Joggr repositories are using GitHub labels in the same way. In our How to Deploy a Hotfix guide, we tell the user what labels to use, but do not reference the code directly. Instead, we show an image that illustrates to the user what labels to add. If we were to change the custom code, there is a very good chance that the How to Deploy a Hotfix would get out of date. In this example, we linked the How to Deploy a Hotfix JoggrDoc to the appropriate custom code files, so that we get notified if this document is out of date.

See the short video below explaining this example.

Local Setup Guides

Local Setup Guides are great examples where developers often do not directly reference code, but there is a relationship between the documentation and a developer’s codebase.

For example, at Joggr we have a How to Setup your Local Environment for our backend code. This guide references zero code from our codebase. The guide explains how to configure dependencies and your local environment so that you can start coding on our backend. We also have an env.example file that illustrates an example of what you need to add to your .env file to ensure that our applications can integrate with each other. There is a very good chance that if we change the env.example file, that are How to Setup your Local Environment needs to be updated. In this example, we linked our How to Setup your Local Environment JoggrDoc to the env.example file, so that we get notified if this document is out of date.

See the short video below explaining this example.