Code Snippets

Code Snippets

The best technical documentation combines text, visuals, and examples. We built Code Snippets so that you could directly reference code from your codebase & have a piece of mind that these code examples would not get out of date.

When you add a Code Snippet to a document, Joggr tracks that document. If a developer opens a Pull Request that changes code that is referenced in a JoggrDoc, Joggr notifies you that the document is out of date. View our docs on adding code snippets to learn how to add these to your JoggrDoc.

An overview of a code snippet in a JoggrDoc

Tip: When you add a Code Snippet to a JoggrDoc, feel free to annotate the Code Snippet and provide additional context to the reader. This does not change your code, nor does it inhibit Joggr’s ability to keep the document up to date.